Christ must be Yours and Real

There are many misconceptions about Christ and the practices we attribute to Him.

A passion for the Truth about Christ

For example: His real name is Yeshua.

The only name under heaven

Jesus is NOT His real name.

Three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40)

From Good Friday to early Easter morning is only a day and a half.

Only those who believe in Him have eternal life

It is nowhere written that non-believers will spend eternity in hell. (…so that all who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life – John 3:16). Both perish and eternal life refer to the after-life

Many Bible translations are wrong.

The NIV is the best we have right now.

Seek and you shall find…

  • Seek Him with all your heart.
  • Pray continually.
  • Confess your sins.
  • Be forgiven!

We have choices to make.

  • Choose wisely.
  • Validate your choices with Scripture (what is actually written)

Christianity contains many practices that greatly hinder the power of the Holy Spirit. And yet we fail to do other things that make it flow!”

Michael Hatem


Seek, Pray, Read, and listen to the Holy Spirit.

  • Christ beckons all people to come directly to Him. We do not need a priest or minister to do so. We are all potential members of the royal priesthood!